Thursday, March 26, 2009


Wow, so today I got to meet the writers of 4 Christmases, The Hangover (coming out in April), and The Ghost of Girlfriends Past (coming out in a couple months).  Their names were Scott Moore and Jon Lucas.  They were so amazing to talk to.  I actually asked them if they would consider writing my feature idea.  Ha!  They didn't actually turn me down but they told me to give it to their agent who is coming in tomorrow to talk to the class.  So I'm going to try to slip her my treatment.  Wish me luck!  

So then we went to a Writer's Workshop with the writers of LOST!  It was awesome listening to their writing and development process.  When they know that they are coming back for another season the first thing they do is called "mini camp" where they all get together and outline what this season is going to look like - how it's going to begin and what is it going to get to for the end. Which I thought was very interesting because there's always been rumors that the writers don't even know what's going on.  They actually do have a clue on what they want the audience to get out of each episode and although there is a lot of mythology it is a completely character driven show.  Those characters are their babies.  They said that one of the themes of the entire show is "father issues" which I never realized before, but the characters actually do have a lot of father problems.  Locke gets thrown out of an 8 story building by his dad, Jack's father is dead, Claire never knew her father (Jack's father too), Kate killed her father, Michael didn't have a close relationship with his son Walt, Hurley's dad left him when he was young.  So I guess yeah there is a lot of dad issues when you look at it like that!  It didn't exactly clear up anything that has been confusing but there will be another season which will be the last.  So I will definitely hold out until the end.  They haven't LOST me yet!

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