Saturday, April 18, 2009

#12 Moving In...

So I this past week I moved into a new place.  This is why I haven't blogged recently, because we have no internet.  No internet = personal hell.  I'm currently at a local cafe called "The Bourgeois Pig." But back to telling you about my new place... it's actually just a temporary living situation because the apartment were suppose to move into by May is still under construction.  Everything in our new apartment is going to be brand spanking new.  We're going to call it "The Penthouse" because it's on the upper level and it has massive windows to enjoy the view.  If you walk out of the complex you have a perfect siting of the Hollywood sign, which excites me.  There is a pool right in the middle of the complex that Leah and I have already tested out.  It is FREEZING - but so worth it!  So as you can see, we are very excited about the new place.  Moving was a bitch, but luckily he didn't have any furniture so it wasn't that hard.  

The good news is that everyone in LA loves to throw out their old furniture and goodies.  Everything in our place will more than likely be found on th
e street.  It sounds gross, but a Beverly Hills garbage day is a gold mine!  We have already found an entertainment center and on one of our walks we found  a perfectly good TV.  Hopefully it will fit in our entertainment center!  

I had an interview with 20th Century Fox last wednesday for their Photo Still/Publicity department.  It would be an internship position, but I need to get my foot in the door somehow.  I felt that it went really well so keep your fingers crossed for me!  I will hopefully find out this coming week!  That's it for now!  

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