So remember in my last blog how I was talking about Little Spoon creating a Justin Bieber "Baby" parody video? Well not only is it done and gaining traction on Youtube, but today it was featured on none other than PEREZHILTON.COM!!! For those of you who are living under a rock and don't know who Perez Hilton is... he pretty much created the largest celebrity gossip blog on the planet. Check it out!...
You can watch it there or you can go to the direct link here on our Youtube page Bieber on Youtube. The point of this video was to spread light on all the lesbians out there who look like Justin Bieber. If you watch the original Justin Bieber "Baby" video then you will notice all of the work we put in to making it similar yet different! I could not be more excited that Perez Hilton featured us and thinks our video deserves recognition. I think that means we've officially MADE IT in the biz!

Speaking of the biz... I have more great news! I was recently promoted at my job! I am now the assistant to the two Heads of the Literary Department at Evolution Entertainment. It has been a roller coaster ride this past month! I had only 3 days of training before being thrown onto this desk, which left me even less time to train the person replacing me. It's crazy how it works out here. You could say that assistants run Hollywood. I am so excited to be a part of the assistant world! Look out Hollywood!
Things have been very exciting! I am now going to go finish watching the NBA Finals... GO LAKERS!
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