This past weekend was the Gay Pride Parade! My LA family and I had a sleepover the night before and then woke up early for donuts and mimosas! It was the perfect way to stay the day! We jumped in two cabs and headed down to West Hollywood to let the celebration begin. The parade was a lot of fun! The bright colors, the eccentric costumes, the flying beads all made it so much fun to be a part of! At the end of the parade we had 2 bags full of free goodies given out during the parade! We now have a jar full of condoms - hey they just want you to be safe! Chelsea Handler was the Grand Marshall of LA Pride 2009! She was on a float accompanied by her little Chuey and Ross the intern! After the parade Hilary, Brett, and I went to the Pride Festival. It was just a lot more booths, dancing, and naked men. It was an amazing weekend! It did make me extremely sad to see the protesters yelling on the edge of the street. It is unbelievable to me that people still think this is a choice. White, black, gay, straight were all human. We are all God's creations and he loves all of us just the way we are. The ignorance of some people just blows my mind. Anyways... I also watched the first season of True Blood which is a really good show. It's definitely got me hooked. It almost makes me think that Twilight was a copycat. I guess you'd have to watch the show to understand. I still love Twilight - don't get me wrong - but True Blood does the vampire thing so much better. Sorry Edward.

Two weekends ago I worked a Columbia - Semester in LA booth during the Produced By Conference. It was a conference put on by the Producers Guild of America for people who are producers or aspiring to be one. The Columbia booth was set up to tell people about the Semester in LA program and get people to sign up to be speakers. We were also looking for people who needed interns so that the students will have an easier time getting internships right after the program is done. There were a lot of booths set up, but the main purpose people go is for the seminars. There are seminars going on throughout the conference on different stages and theaters all over the Sony lot. I was able to attend a couple. My favorite was one with the creator of Desperate Housewives! He talked about how he got the idea for the story line and his struggles trying to get it picked up. Over ten networks passed on Desperate Housewives when he first tried pitching the script. What a big mistake! The other great seminar I went to had Clint Eastwood as the speaker! He answered questions from the audience and was actually a really funny guy - I was surprised! But he could pretty much answer every question with "Because I'm Clint Eastwood, bitch." I mean lets be real.

I have an interview coming up next week at a postproduction house who is looking for a receptionist. Wish me luck - I really need to get a paying job!
The hate on homosexuals still continues to baffle me.
ReplyDeleteI wrote a blog post on same-sex marriage not too long ago and I still get messages from haters. Of course, they never comment on the actual post, but they don't hesitate to send messages disapproving of my approval.