Saturday, September 19, 2009

#28 Soaring to new heights

This has been the craziest week ever for me!  The Fiesta Movement has given me some crazy adventures, fitting since it is adventure month!  

I was given the opportunity to interview the cast of HOUSE at the season 6 premiere event.  The event was sponsored by Ford and presented at the Hollywood Arclight theater.  The celebrities were walking a "blue" carpet and I was lucky enough to be a part of all the excitement.  I was joined by another fiesta agent - Bridget O'Neill - to help come up with questions for the cast.  Not only did we meet the entire cast, but we also met creators and producers on the show.  We watched the 2 hour premiere and it was like a stand-
alone movie.  New viewers would have no problem jumping into the show from this point.  This premiere was not typical House style, but according to the cast we'll have lots of surprises to come!  After the show we were lucky enough to attend the after party!  It was a night to remember!
  Thank you Ford! 

This was definitely was a dream come true.  Check out the video!

I owe Ford another thank you for the largest thrill of my life.  Yes, they sent me SKYDIVING!!!  I had to prove to myself and everyone that I'm not the scaredy-cat everyone thinks I am!  I figure once I took that leap there is no turning back.  I went flying!!!  It only took 5 hours to get out of there.  It was a very exhausting day and the heat was not friendly.  But I can now cross skydiving off of my bucket list.  Fiesta!

I am now officially done with my 20th Century Fox internship.  It is very sad and I miss it very much.  Sucks having to work for money.  Luckily I got to go out in style by working the All About Steve premiere.  I have heard nothing good about this movie, but if nothing else Sandra and Bradley were there looking gorgeous as always.  Hopefully, I will be able to return back to Fox someday.  

Life is good.  

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