So the great thing about having a girlfriend who works for a comedy talent agent is all the comped comedy shows! A few months ago we saw
Jon LaJoie at the LA Impov. For those of you who don't know, Jon was found on YouTube because of his super popular, hysterical songs. You may recall "Everyday Normal Guy" or "I Kill People" among others. He is a great comedian and is now on the show "The League" on FX. Hilary and I went to go see his standup which included some never before seen videos and of course live performances of his YouTube hits. We got to hang out with him before the show and he's a super nice guy. Hilary was working at his management company Underground Films, but now has moved over to UTA where she now works for his agent. Jon will be collaborating on Babe Lincoln because Brandon is close with Jon since he also works at Underground Films.

This past weekend we went to the Improv in Brea, California to see the hilarious
Ralphie May. You may know him from his Comedy Central Specials or because he is one of the largest comedians in town. Most of his jokes are racist but he makes sure that everyone gets a joke thrown their way. Ralphie is an amazing storyteller - he could make any story or experience funny! My favorite part of his standup was when he was making fun of the people who are against gay marriage. Talking about how some people say it will ruin the institution of marriage, yet there is a 60% divorce rate so even if the gay marriage has a 50% survival rate it will still better our overall average! He then went on to say that if people are still against gay marriage then be proactive about it and stop having sex, because gay people can't make gay people - straight people make gay people. He is so brilliant! I've never laughed so hard! He is a very big guy but he is all heart. When we were leaving we said goodbye to him and he was just so worried about us driving home safely. He is a great comedian and a human being. I definitely recommend everyone see his standup! Just seeing him once and he has already jumped to the top of my favorite comedian list.

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